Monday, April 16, 2007

Another Appointment Over

Well, I left today's appointment a little discouraged. I was secretly hoping the Dr. would say, "her head looks great you can take off the helmet!" Of course, I know her head still has a little flatness but I was going for positive thinking. He looked at her head and said she was looking good but we could have a few more months to go. I looked at Will with one of those I am going to cry looks. He then said to the Dr., "What if we come in next month and say we are finished?". He said that would be OK too. Her forehead is now corrected which means there is no longer any worry of her eyes of ears becoming unsymmetrical. That means no surgery! He said at this point he is just being a perfectionist and he would like to see one spot on the back of her head fill out another 2 milometers. I appreciate him being a perfectionist, after all that is why we are paying him so much. At this point even if we see no change over the next month I don't think anyone else would ever notice the flat area. She already has a head full of hair and as it continues to grow it will become less and less noticeable. At the end of the appointment he said there was a good chance we would see a big improvement this month and he would then suggest removing the helmet for good! I am going to be praying for a major growth spurt and a major change. I am learning a lot about patience and trust through this experience. I am just so ready for this to all be over with.
In a previous post I mentioned taking the girls to have their pictures made outdoors. Rebecca Marr, who made the pictures, gave me permission to post two of them here. Thanks Rebecca for emailing them to me. I wanted to share them here on the site so you could see how much better Morgan's head looks. These were taken almost a month ago and her head has improved so much since these were taken. You can really see the improvement in the pictures where she is looking to the side. I also posted Avery's 4 year pictures... just because they are so adorable. Rebecca does a great job. If you are interested her website it is

Friday, April 13, 2007


Here are a few pictures from Easter. Morgan had a great first Easter and Avery had a wonderful day. Avery really got the meaning of Easter this year and has been asking so many questions. She is such a sponge. I thought you would like to see some pictures of Morgan's helmet decorated for Easter. Avery put the egg stickers on there while I was not in the room. She did a good job. I wasn't planning on decorating it with eggs but it worked!
We are anxiously awaiting our appointment in Nashville next week. We will find out at this appointment how much longer we will be seeing pink. I can't wait to get this off and get my sweet little girl back.
Enjoy the pictures!

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Where did you get that...

This past weekend Will and I took the girls to Pigeon Forge for the day to do a little outlet shopping. I can't tell you how many people stopped us to look at Morgan's helmet. They would all say, "How cute... where did you get that?" As though they wanted to go get one for their child or grandchild. Honestly we tried to count how many people said this to us but we lost count at some point during the day. People, please don't put a helmet on your child for fun! It really isn't that much fun! People are so interesting.