Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Physical Therapy Update

Morgan had her first physical therapy appointment with her helmet on yesterday. She is doing well. A few little issues seem to have returned since starting helmet therapy. She is doing great with holding her trunk straight and reaching for things with both arms. The problem we are going to be trying to correct over the next two weeks is with her hips. While sitting she seems to raise one hip higher. To help in correcting this I will have to place a towel under her left side while she is sitting. I will keep a towel in her highchair, car seat and swing as well. Basically anytime she is sitting we will use the towel to try and correct this problem. She is also working on crawling. I learned a few things I can do to help her pull her knees up and use both legs while crawling. Right now she likes to use her elbows and one leg to scoot along. Lastly, the muscle in her neck is very tight again. She was not happy when the Therapist was stretching her. I will have to stretch it out several times a day again. The muscle issue is from the Torticollis. The Torticollis is what originally caused her to start favoring one side of her body over the other. It is a lot harder to stretch her well with the helmet on but we will figure it out.
As for sleep...she has not slept as well the last two nights. Last night she was up several times. I guess we can't complain too much. Overall she is adjusting so well. I think that her body temperature is starting to adjust to the helmet as well. I have not noticed her sweating as much today.
She has done so well and we are so thankful. We have seen so many prayers answered already!


poeffel said...

Thanks for the updates! Hang in there you're doing the right thing. jason

ML said...

C adjusted very quickly...I am sure Morgan will as well! We had some very minor regression in the beginning but the continued PT and CBRS services kept him from getting too far behind. Keep it up, you're doing the right thing!