Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Ready or Not...

Well, ready or not, tomorrow is the day. Morgan will be getting her long awaited pink helmet tomorrow afternoon. I think at this point we are just ready to get it over with. It has been an emotional day preparing for what is to come. I think I must have kissed her little head a hundred times today. It is going to be hard to see her in the helmet around the clock. I am sure that tomorrow will be a long and draining day. The appointment is scheduled to last for 3 hours. They will finish fitting the helmet to her head and make any adjustments needed. We will also be learning how to clean the helmet and how to properly put it on and take it off. I am sure we will be suffering from information overload by this time tomorrow. We will enter a post as soon as we can letting everyone know how she did. I will also try to post a picture as soon as possible. I know everyone is wondering what this helmet is going to look like.
I have been overwhelmed by the response of those within our church to our current situation. We have been blessed by many prayers, calls, cards, gifts, and even meals over the past week. I have not been on this side of service very many times in my life. It has been a very humbling and rewarding experience. God has used those who have so graciously served us in one way or another to remind me of His continued care for us. Will has been teaching on the book of Jonah with the Youth on Sunday nights and it has caused me to think of this time in a different light. We are all faced with storms of all sizes in our lives but, what matters is how we respond to the storm. I am learning to rely on God for strength and to trust in him with the future. Some days are harder than others but I hope I will come out of this storm praising God for all he has taught me.


-C said...

The body of Christ truly is amazing, isn't it? I'm soooo happy to hear that you are being held up by them right now. I know that that is what helped us soo much and continues to keep us moving forward.
Had to share ... my sis-in-law just sent me the words to the Casting Crowns song, "Praise You in this Storm" -- I hope it will encourage you. It sounds like it truly is your heart's desire!
You're on my calendar to pray for tomorrow and the days to come.

-C said...

Okay, so make that today! ;)