Saturday, March 24, 2007

Two Months Down and Two to Go!

We had another appointment at Vanderbilt this week. Dr. Kelly said he could see a little change this month. He felt we were moving in the right direction. Will and I didn't see as much of a change this month as we did the first month. She just didn't grow very much. She is due a growth spurt so hopefully we will see a lot of change before our next appointment in April. Her helmet was very loose so they added a few inserts between the foam layers around her forehead and neck to keep the helmet from moving around on her head so much. It is very snug now. It fits her just like it did the day we got it. Hopefully this will help her progress more over the next few weeks. Two months down and two more to go.
Yesterday was a fun day. I took the girls to have pictures made at the park. We had several made of Morgan without her helmet on and then a few with her wearing it as well. It was so fun to see her hair blowing in the wind. She didn't know what to think of feeling the sun and cool breeze on her head. Avery also had a wonderful time. She had her picture made while climbing a tree. She hasn't stopped talking about it.
We have had unseasonably warm weather the last few days. The girls and I are trying to take advantage of the warm temps and have spent a lot of time outdoors. I have been reminded of how thankful I am that Morgan will not be in her helmet this summer. Her little head gets very hot under her helmet on warm days. We should be getting it off just as the temperatures really heat up.


-C said...

I love hearing how things are going for you guys ... what a joy to cherish the moments with them even in this season.

the blackwells said...

I just looked at the pictures great!!! Your girls are so photogenic. I can see where you'll have a hard time picking your faves.