Thursday, March 15, 2007

Look out! Morgan is on the move now!

Yesterday's Physical Therapy appointment went very well. Morgan was ready to show Mrs. Karen all of her tricks. She crawled across the room with her hips up and using both legs and arms, she stood up and set back down, and she crawled up the stairs like a pro! I was very proud. She agreed that Morgan has made very impressive improvements in just one week. All of our hard work has finally paid off. She is now just like every other 10 month old. The only problem we have left to concur is the knots on both sides of her neck. The knots are from the torticollis and they just don't want to go away. We have been doing stretches and massaging her neck three times a day since December. I am a little frustrated that they are still there. One thing at a time I guess. As for physical therapy, we will go back in two weeks. That's right not one week but two week! We are very excited. If she is still doing this well in two weeks we will be on our own for one month and then back for a follow up visit. After that we will go once a month until she is walking well just to make sure she is 100%! So for now, I only have to worry about doing her stretches. It is such a stress relief to not have to worry about doing "therapy" with her anymore. We will of course continue to watch her and encourage her, when needed, to use both arms are strengthen her legs. She will be running around here before long.
We have an appointment at Vanderbilt next week. Morgan has been wearing her helmet for 2 months now and is expected to be in it for 2 more months. I am praying we go next week and he says he thinks she will be out of it next month. We are seeing so much improvement and she has the cutest little head now. I can't wait to get the helmet off so we can admire her sweet little head anytime we want.
Morgan's incredible progress over the last week is such an amazing answer to prayer. Thank you to all who have been praying for her. It has been my prayer that Morgan's helmet journey would bring our family closer to God and closer together. I am daily seeing this prayer and so many others answered.


the blackwells said...

Fab news! I'm glad all of it is moving along so well for Morgan and the rest of you.

mandy said...

WOW!!!That is wonderful news!!!!!!!!