Saturday, March 10, 2007

Starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel!

This is a just because picture! Morgan keeps very warm in her helmet even in the snow!

It is so fun to see your little one experience their firsts. Their first smile, first laugh, first time to roll over or walk. It is even more fun to see those firsts when you have been working so hard to help them accomplish one. At physical therapy this week we worked very hard with Morgan to help her pull up to a standing position. Her little legs just didn't seem strong enough to hold her up for more than a few seconds. The next morning we went in and she was standing up in her bed holding on to the side rail just smiling at her Daddy. What a proud moment. Now she is pulling up on everything. Hopefully this new found skill will really help to strengthen her trunk. We are still working on getting her hips even, and trying to strengthen her trunk. She is really doing well. It is amazing how fast she is changing. Everyday she is learning a new skill. It is very rewarding to be able to see her finally accomplishing the skills we have been working on for so long. I feel like we are starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I know in a few months from now she will be running around this house and I will be trying to keep up with her. I am sure at that moment I will be wondering why we went to physical therapy!

I praise God for Morgan's progress and for being able to learn more about his wonderful faithfulness through this experience. As we have gone through this experience and all of it's ups and downs, I have been reminded of His amazing grace. We are always in the grip of his hand and never far from his comfort and love. I have found so much comfort in knowing that God is still in control!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

God is soooo GOOD! Im so glad that the insurance went through and there has been lots of progress. Im proud of you guys (and proud of Morgan!)