Thursday, May 3, 2007

where did it go??????

Several days ago I posted a blog entry about our trip last week to Disney and today I loged on to post a few pictures when to my surprise there is no post about Disney anywhere. Now, I know I am not crazy because I know of others who read it and asked me to post pictures... where did it go? So let me sum up what was in the missing post.
It has been a while since my last entry because we just returned from a long stay at the happiest place on earth. That is right, we have been in Disney World. It was a great vacation and both of our girls had a blast. The weather was very warm and not great temperatures for wearing a helmet. We talked the trip over with her Dr. ahead of time and he suggested we remove the helmet anytime we were outdoors. The risk of her overheating was just to great. I have to say I so enjoyed seeing her sweet little head all week. For 5 days Morgan traded in her pink helmet for a pair of pain Mickey ears. She was just to cute.
Tomorrow Morgan will be trading in her helmet for a birthday hat. She will turn 1 at exactly 3:12 pm. I can't believe she is already one. This year has been full of ups and downs. A first birthday is always exciting but for me this one is especially exciting. It is very encouraging to look back over this year and see how many times God has provided for, comforted, loved, and guided us. I know what we have gone through is so small but it makes me wonder how and why people go through things with out Christ. I have leaned on Him so many times during the last year. I would not want to go through this again but I am very thankful for the things God has taught me along the way!
I hope all of this makes sense, after all it is 1:00am. I guess that means it is now Morgan's birthday. Happy Birthday!

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