Monday, February 26, 2007

Good things come in small packages!!!!!

I love being able to post good news! Usually going to the mail box isn't that exciting, but today was different. We got a letter from our insurance company stating in BOLD print, "you have been approved for coverage..." This is such an answered prayer. For those who don't know, we were told Morgan's helmet and the cost for visits to the specialist would not be covered. The specialist actually won't even file the claim for you, because it is just not covered by insurance. Well, prayers are answered. We don't know at this time if all of it will be covered or just the part for the specialist, which would be about half. Will is going to talk to the insurance company tomorrow to get more information. We will continue to pray for complete coverage, but we will be thankful for any coverage at this point. I honestly wasn't expecting to have any of it covered. I am in shock and I don't know why. I should have just trusted that God would take care of our needs as he always has. Praise God! We will keep you posted on how this turns out. Yea for small packages in the mail!

1 comment:

-C said...

Good stuff! Dumb me -- I didn't even think about insurance. So glad you have good news.