Thursday, February 1, 2007

Helpful Web Sites

I thought I would post a few websites that have been helpful to me in learning more about plagio and torticollis. If you feel comfortable, please check out this link and sign the petition. Basically this petition is to make it mandatory for pediatricians to educate parents on positional plagio and tummy time. It is sad that doctors don’t talk about tummy time enough. We know that Morgan’s plagio is not related to spending to much time on her back, but I also know that I was never told about tummy time. Thankfully I had read about tummy time and both of my girls spent plenty of time playing on their tummies. Doctors should not assume we already know things when it comes to the health of our children. This site is really fun. They carry onesies, bibs, t-shirts and parent shirt that say things about the helmet, plagio or torticollis. My favorite shirt sayings: This is not a helmet it is a fashion statement, Toitilly Cute, Plagio Princess, Another site I would have LOVED to have known about 9 months ago. They actually make a mattress that will prevent positional plagio! WOW This site explains torticollis well and also provides great information on treatment. This site provides information on how to reposition your child early on to prevent and possibly help correct positional plagio. I wish this information had been given to me when Morgan was first born and we noticed the problem. Unfortunately for Morgan repositioning can only help so much due to the torticollis. Every little bit helps though!

I hope these sites are helpful for those who have been emailing us or visiting our blog looking for answers and support.


mandy said...

What a wonderful resource you are providing for other families.

I'm sorry Morgan has the chickenpoxs. I hope she gets over them very quickly.

Amanda said...

Mandy, Thanks for the post and for all your phone messages. Sorry I haven't gotten back with you. Things have just been crazy!