Monday, January 29, 2007

Seeing Spots!!!!!!!!

Morgan has chickenpox! I was afraid this is what it was but was hoping it would be a heat rash due to the helmet. I have no idea where she got chickenpox from. We have been SO SO careful to not expose her to anything the last few weeks. We knew if she got sick and had a fever we would have to remove her helmet until the fever went down. At this point the doctor said she could keep wearing it unless her fever increases. She looks so pitiful. The "spots" had tripled in number between the time I got her dressed and got her to the doctors office. It should take 7-10 days to get over. I will have to keep her home and away from everyone until the last one scabs over. We are so thankful that at this time we will not have to keep the helmet off. Hopefully Avery will not get them. She had the chickenpox vaccine when she was one. We were told today that 1 in 4 children who have the vaccine will still get the virus. Let's just pray that we don't have to be that one.
When this started I would have never dreamed that she would have chickenpox. We have been checking her head twice a day for any irritations or redness from the helmet. When I noticed the spots I automatically assumed it was from her helmet. This whole things is almost funny... when it rains it pours!


-C said...

that was my first thot, as i totally forgot that there's a vaccine now for it ... but i figured you'd been told to watch for rashes or something like that. Praying for no fever!

the blackwells said...

oh no...I was afraid of that when I read your earlier post yesterday. I was thinking about the vaccine and then realized that she is too young for that. Keep us posted.

Unknown said...

You are right... when it rains it pours! Hopefully her fever will not increase and we will pray also that Avery doesn't get them as well. Hang in there! I love you!
Tell Avery that Bailey said HELLO!