This is Morgan "getting to know her helmet". She really loved it and didn't like it when her Daddy took it from her. She started to cry. It was pretty cute. She loved it until we actually had to put it on her.
This was Morgan on the ride home wearing her helmet for the first time.
Avery wanted to wear her helmet this morning as soon as she woke up. This is the bike helmet she got for Christmas last year from Uncle Paul and Aunt Candice! Avery is enjoying having a helmet like her little sisters!
And here she is, pretty in pink!
She's absolutely adorable! We'll be praying for a great night's sleep for all of you.
The pictures are great and she looks REALLY cute! aly
Pretty in pink she is! I think she looks precious.
Avery, I am so proud of you. You are being such a great big sister! Look forward to hearing about Morgan's great progress!
Love you all!
D'onne, John and Bailey
Morgan and Avery both look so adorable. I'm glad see is doing so well so far.
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